
spinal tap中文是什么意思

  • 脊椎抽液
  • 脊椎穿剌
  • 腰椎穿剌



  • 例句与用法
  • Xp is extreme in the sense that it takes 12 well - known software development “ best practices ” to their logical extremes ? turning them all up to “ 10 ” ( or “ 11 ” for spinal tap fans )
    说是极限在于它将个众所周知的软件开发的最佳活动都发挥到极限分(或到分对超级发烧友) 。
  • Xp is extreme in the sense that it takes 12 well - known software development “ best practices ” to their logical extremes ? turning them all up to “ 10 ” ( or “ 11 ” for spinal tap fans )
    说xp是极限在于它将12个众所周知的软件开发的“最佳活动”都发挥到极限“ 10分” (或到“ 11分”对超级发烧友) 。
  • If any choice comes down to " we make our own stuff " or " we make someone else ' s stuff " , and the someone else ' s stuff does not happen to be the latest hit movie or a branded game like tiny toons or a fantastic new spinal tap : the game or something , the " we make our own stuff " wins
    如果比较一下"做我们自己的东西"和"做别人的东西" ,并且别人的东西并不是发生在最近的热门电影或一个让人铭记的游戏或一个幻象式的游戏新题材上,那么"做我们自己的东西"要比"做别人的东西"更吸引人。
  • 英文解释
  • removal by centesis of fluid from the subarachnoid space of the lumbar region of the spinal cord for diagnostic or therapeutic purposes
    同义词:lumbar puncture, spinal puncture,

  • 其他语种释义
  • 推荐英语阅读
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